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Our History

Fire Busters Inc. is a fire sprinkler design and installation company located in Delta, British Columbia, Canada. It was started in 1990 by David, Joanne and Tim Killey and specialized in, (but was not restricted to) the residential fire sprinkler field. Fire Busters quickly became the foremost installer of residential fire sprinklers in Western Canada.

Fire Busters since 1990!

Some systems installed by Fire Busters have proven to be quite remarkable. One home for example, was in excess of 30,000 sq. ft. and numerous others have exceeded 15,000 sq. ft. Given southwestern BC's mountainous and oceanic settings Fire Busters has had to be innovative with several unique installations and facilitate water supplies in many inhospitable conditions such as mountain roads, mountain creeks, rivers, lakes and the Pacific Ocean tides. Installations have taken place with the help of row boats, chair lifts, 4x4's and float planes.

All of this has combined to strengthen Fire Busters in their experience and make them truly one of the fore-runners in the residential fire sprinkler field.

Reprinted from Fire Protection Contractor Magazine, April 2002

Our Trademark Logo's

Protected by the instant fire fighter Build not to burn

Proud members of the following associations

Click for the BBB Business Review of this Sprinklers - Automatic - Fire in Delta BC

CASA - Canadian Automatic Sprinker Association         National Fire Prevention Association

Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association

GVHBA Sub-Contractor Member of the Year Award - 2004

ICBA - Independent Contractors and Business Association