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Our Services - Sprinkler System Design

All prices in Canadian dollars. All prices subject to HST

  • Online Design Order
  • Free Design Estimate
  • Visit our Design services speciality site
  • If you require a fire sprinkler design we can also help. Our experience of 35+ years in the fire protection field is available to you free of charge so you are able to prepare an accurate estimate for your customer.

    Our N.I.C.E.T. level IV technician would be glad to provide you with a sprinkler system design to NFPA 13D. We can accept blueprints by electronic media AutoCAD or DXF files. We will then complete your design as per specifications and mail hard copies out to you. We have a North American toll free number (1 800 667-5767) which can be used to discuss the details.

    Cost for a single family dwelling is $400.00 for homes at or under 5,000 sq ft. For homes over 5,000 sq ft add $0.10 per sq. ft.

    For custom or special orders please fill out the Online Design Order and choose the free estimate option we will provide a free custom quote within 7 business days. Custom quotes are valid for 60 days unless otherwise arranged.